How Agrobrand is created

How Agrobrand is created

Idea about establishment of an agency which will be completely different from exzisiting ones, dated long time ago. The key element is that if you wish to be involved in marketing in agriculture, or to make project management or being a consultant, you must have agricultural background, education and lot of experience in that field. Only on that way, you can be in position to help agricultural companies and producers and to enhace their business or products and bring them more profit.

AgroBrand Agency is established September 1st 2017. by Mrs. Julka Toskić, Bachelor of Agricultural Science with specialty in plant protection and Certified Marketing Manager. Working for more than 15 years in one of the largest agro system in Serbia, she brings rarely wide range of experience in numerous agribusiness areas and implement it in AgroBrand. She gathered the agricultural and marketing specialist, designers and web developers in to one unique team which can answer to numerous and wide range needs of agribusiness companies.

AgroBrand is choosen as a Agency name, because we believe that everything is branding. Without branding, customers and consumers will not recognize the value of your products or advantages of your business. The aim of AgroBrand team is to make sifnigicant effort to help clients to be recognizable and stand out in their business area.

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